Platform : PAE Service OS : Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) Hardware : Conroe Xen package: Date: Fri Apr 6 11:13:55 CST 2007 Summary Test Report of Last Session ===================================================================== Total Pass Fail NoResult Crash ===================================================================== nightly 3 3 0 0 0 device_model 2 0 1 1 0 control_panel 19 18 1 0 0 ===================================================================== nightly 3 3 0 0 0 :kernel_build 1 1 0 0 0 :subset_LTP 1 1 0 0 0 :dom0x11 1 1 0 0 0 device_model 2 0 1 1 0 :pv_on_up 1 0 1 0 0 :pv_on_smp 1 0 0 1 0 control_panel 19 18 1 0 0 :acpi_nightly 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_acpi_win2k3 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_two_noacpi_ 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32_smp_win2k3 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_acpi_vista 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32_smp_winxp 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_noacpi_win 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_acpi_winxp 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32_guest_256M 1 1 0 0 0 :one_VMX 1 1 0 0 0 :base_kernel 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32_vistartm 1 0 1 0 0 :ia32pae_VMX_1500M 1 1 0 0 0 :one_XENU 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32_smp_vista 1 1 0 0 0 :two_xenu_vmx_seq 1 1 0 0 0 :guestx11 1 1 0 0 0 :ia32up_acpi_win2k 1 1 0 0 0 :saverestore 1 1 0 0 0 ===================================================================== Total 24 21 2 1 0 Detail Test Report of Last Session ===================================================================== Detailed test cases info: Suite : Scenario TC No. IC No. nightly:kernel_build 0 24 PASS 10:31:54 Fri Apr 6 10:17:03 CST 2007 Testing for build base kernel in VMX domain Domain v24_1175825823 Created! network is OK. Fri Apr 6 10:31:54 CST 2007 tet result: nightly:subset_LTP 0 7 PASS 10:16:57 Fri Apr 6 09:48:02 CST 2007 subset LTP test Domain v7_1175824082 is created, network failed. Fri Apr 6 10:16:57 CST 2007 tet result: nightly:dom0x11 0 31 PASS 09:47:59 Fri Apr 6 09:47:48 CST 2007 Check whether dom0's X is started dom0 is not configured as run level 5, manually swith to run level 5 X is sucessfully started Fri Apr 6 09:47:59 CST 2007 tet result: device_model:pv_on_up 0 1 FAIL 10:33:59 DM_PV_001 Linux vt-cr3 2.6.18-xen #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 23:38:55 CST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Fri Apr 6 10:32:00 CST 2007: Basically testing UP VMX PV driver VBD/VNIF Fri Apr 6 10:32:00 CST 2007: Set Special VMX config and create VMX Domain. Fri Apr 6 10:32:00 CST 2007 Create temp disk image file: /share/xvs/var/tmp.VgQLbT6707 Succ! Fri Apr 6 10:32:02 CST 2007 Create temp disk image file: /share/xvs/var/tmp.mcbjiy6708 Succ! Fri Apr 6 10:32:17 CST 2007: Install kernels in VMX. Fri Apr 6 10:32:29 CST 2007 Creating v17001_1175826723 with 512 MB memory Fri Apr 6 10:33:15 CST 2007 Succ: Domain v17001_1175826723 is created! Fri Apr 6 10:33:23 CST 2007 Succ: connect to VMX console okay! Fri Apr 6 10:33:27 CST 2007: Insert Drivers. Fri Apr 6 10:33:31 CST 2007: insert module xen-platform-pci.ko pass! Fri Apr 6 10:33:35 CST 2007: insert module xenbus.ko pass! Fri Apr 6 10:33:38 CST 2007: insert module xen-vbd.ko pass! : insert module xen-vnif.ko fail! Fri Apr 6 10:33:42 CST 2007: Check VBD and VNIF ERR: Fri Apr 6 10:33:42 CST 2007: vbd mount -> failed! ERR: Fri Apr 6 10:33:42 CST 2007: bring up eth0 -> failed! ERR: Fri Apr 6 10:33:42 CST 2007: ping xen0 -> failed! Fri Apr 6 10:33:59 CST 2007 Succ: Destroy v17001_1175826723 successful! [DM_PV_001:DM_PV_001] device_model:pv_on_smp 0 2 NORESULT 10:40:42 DM_PV_002 Linux vt-cr3 2.6.18-xen #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 23:38:55 CST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Fri Apr 6 10:34:03 CST 2007: Basically testing SMP VMX PV driver VBD/VNIF Fri Apr 6 10:34:03 CST 2007: Set Special VMX config and create VMX Domain. Fri Apr 6 10:34:03 CST 2007 Create temp disk image file: /share/xvs/var/tmp.KvXaWo9690 Succ! Fri Apr 6 10:34:05 CST 2007 Create temp disk image file: /share/xvs/var/tmp.JfELGr9691 Succ! Fri Apr 6 10:34:19 CST 2007: Install kernels in VMX. Fri Apr 6 10:34:31 CST 2007 Creating v17002_1175826846 with 512 MB memory Fri Apr 6 10:35:18 CST 2007 Succ: Domain v17002_1175826846 is created! ERR: Fri Apr 6 10:39:51 CST 2007: connect to VMX console failed! Fri Apr 6 10:39:51 CST 2007 Succ: connect to VMX console okay! ERR: Fri Apr 6 10:40:25 CST 2007: mount hdb fail! Fri Apr 6 10:40:42 CST 2007 Succ: Destroy v17002_1175826846 successful! [DM_PV_002:DM_PV_002] control_panel:acpi_nightly 0 27 PASS 09:28:47 Fri Apr 6 09:27:57 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a 512MB memory VMX domain with ACPI support XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp27_1175822878 with memory 512... VMX tp27 is up in 28 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:5f:aa:ca gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp27_1175822878 OK Fri Apr 6 09:28:47 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_acpi_win2k3 0 35 PASS 09:39:50 Fri Apr 6 09:38:46 CST 2007 Testing for booting Win2003 guest Creating vtp35_1175823527 with memory 1024... VMX tp35 is up in 30 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:69:a1:c1 gets IP address, but ping failed Destroy vtp35_1175823527 OK Fri Apr 6 09:39:50 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_two_noacpi_win 0 9 PASS 09:36:43 Fri Apr 6 09:35:09 CST 2007 Testing for booting two windows guests Creating vtp9_1_1175823309 with memory 256... Creating vtp9_2_1175823309 with memory 256... Destroy vtp9_1_1175823309 OK VMX tp9_1 is up in 44 sec(s) VMX tp9_2 is up in 48 sec(s) Destroy vtp9_2_1175823309 OK MAC 00:16:3e:26:2c:6c gets IP address, and ping is OK MAC 00:16:3e:11:4c:8d gets IP address, but ping failed Fri Apr 6 09:36:43 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32_smp_win2k3 0 49 PASS 09:45:04 Fri Apr 6 09:44:00 CST 2007 Testing for booting IA32 SMP Win2k3 guest Creating vtp49_1175823840 with memory 1024... VMX tp49 is up in 32 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:5b:2c:4c gets IP address, but ping failed Destroy vtp49_1175823840 OK Fri Apr 6 09:45:04 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_acpi_vista 0 36 PASS 09:42:43 Fri Apr 6 09:39:54 CST 2007 Testing for booting VISTA guest Creating vtp36_1175823594 with memory 1024... VMX tp36 is up in 143 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:79:d3:f3 gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp36_1175823594 OK Fri Apr 6 09:42:43 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32_smp_winxp 0 48 PASS 09:43:59 Fri Apr 6 09:42:48 CST 2007 Testing for booting IA32 SMP WinXP guest Creating vtp48_1175823768 with memory 1024... VMX tp48 is up in 39 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:2c:8a:aa gets IP address, but ping failed Destroy vtp48_1175823768 OK Fri Apr 6 09:43:59 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_noacpi_win 0 8 PASS 09:35:06 Fri Apr 6 09:34:22 CST 2007 Testing for booting windows guest Creating vtp8_1175823262 with memory 256... VMX tp8 is up in 21 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:5a:87:a7 gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp8_1175823262 OK Fri Apr 6 09:35:06 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_acpi_winxp 0 34 PASS 09:38:40 Fri Apr 6 09:37:43 CST 2007 Testing for booting WinXP guest Creating vtp34_1175823463 with memory 1024... VMX tp34 is up in 25 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:3b:12:32 gets IP address, but ping failed Destroy vtp34_1175823463 OK Fri Apr 6 09:38:40 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32_guest_256M 0 23 PASS 09:25:26 Fri Apr 6 09:24:35 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a 256M IA-32 VMX domain (on IA-32e or IA-32 PAE host) XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp23_1175822675 with memory 256... VMX tp23 is up in 29 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:03:2c:4c gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp23_1175822675 OK Fri Apr 6 09:25:26 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:one_VMX 0 3 PASS 09:24:30 Linux vt-cr3 2.6.18-xen #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 23:38:55 CST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux xen-hg_xen_unstable_pae_r14738_20070405-1 Service OS is Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) Fri Apr 6 09:23:24 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a 512MB memory VMX domain XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp3_1175822604 with memory 512... VMX tp3 is up in 44 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:70:ba:da gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp3_1175822604 OK Fri Apr 6 09:24:30 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:base_kernel 0 16 PASS 09:27:55 Fri Apr 6 09:26:35 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a VMX domain with base kernel(2.6.16) XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp16_1175822795 with memory 512... VMX tp16 is up in 57 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:6d:35:dc gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp16_1175822795 OK Fri Apr 6 09:27:55 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32_vistartm 0 65 FAIL 09:47:46 Fri Apr 6 09:47:27 CST 2007 Testing for booting VISTA guest File -m does not exist Create ExampleHVMDomain failed Destroy ExampleHVMDomain failed Fri Apr 6 09:47:46 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32pae_VMX_1500M 0 22 PASS 09:26:29 Fri Apr 6 09:25:32 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a 1500MB memory PAE VMX domain (on IA-32e or PAE) XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp22_1175822732 with memory 1532... VMX tp22 is up in 35 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:1c:23:43 gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp22_1175822732 OK Fri Apr 6 09:26:29 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:one_XENU 0 1 PASS 09:23:20 Linux vt-cr3 2.6.18-xen #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 23:38:55 CST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux xen-hg_xen_unstable_pae_r14738_20070405-1 Service OS is Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) Service OS has 2 CPUs Fri Apr 6 09:22:20 CST 2007 Testing for Startup a XENU domain XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating utp1_1175822541 with memory 256... VMX tp1 is up in 17 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:2b:bd:dd gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy utp1_1175822541 OK Fri Apr 6 09:23:20 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32_smp_vista 0 51 PASS 09:47:23 Fri Apr 6 09:45:08 CST 2007 Testing for booting IA32 SMP Vista guest Creating vtp51_1175823909 with memory 1024... VMX tp51 is up in 111 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:3a:9e:bf gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp51_1175823909 OK Fri Apr 6 09:47:23 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:two_xenu_vmx_seq 0 55 PASS 09:34:18 Fri Apr 6 09:30:49 CST 2007 Testing for Startup 2 xenU and 2 VMX of 1024MB memory XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp55_1_1175823049 with memory 256... VMX tp55_1 is up in 23 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:63:fd:1e gets IP address, and ping is OK XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating vtp55_2_1175823083 with memory 256... VMX tp55_2 is up in 21 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:46:e8:12 gets IP address, and ping is OK XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating utp55_3_1175823115 with memory 256... VMX tp55_3 is up in 18 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:30:c5:ee gets IP address, and ping is OK XVS uses Test_NetUp_Domain to start domain Creating utp55_4_1175823167 with memory 256... VMX tp55_4 is up in 20 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:78:96:b6 gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp55_1_1175823049 OK Destroy vtp55_2_1175823083 OK Destroy utp55_3_1175823115 OK Destroy utp55_4_1175823167 OK Fri Apr 6 09:34:18 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:guestx11 0 9 PASS 09:30:44 [CPL_CON_009:Control panel VMX guest X test] Fri Apr 6 09:28:50 CST 2007 Control panel VMX guest X test Creating vCPL_UI_09_1175822930 with memory 256... Test_Connect_Domain returns value 3 Command in Domain gets value Success Destroy vCPL_UI_09_1175822930 OK Fri Apr 6 09:30:44 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:ia32up_acpi_win2k 0 33 PASS 09:37:41 Fri Apr 6 09:36:46 CST 2007 Testing for booting Win2K guest Creating vtp33_1175823406 with memory 1024... VMX tp33 is up in 32 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:2b:df:88 gets IP address, and ping is OK Destroy vtp33_1175823406 OK Fri Apr 6 09:37:41 CST 2007 tet result: control_panel:saverestore 0 9 PASS 10:46:09 Fri Apr 6 10:40:44 CST 2007 Control panel hvm save/restore process continuity test Creating vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 with memory 256... VMX CPL_SR_09 is up in 21 sec(s) MAC 00:16:3e:56:18:39 gets IP address, and ping is OK Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Begin to generated continuous ordered numbers... Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success Command in Domain vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 gets value Success execute Guest_continue_afsave success after Save:Restore Destroy vCPL_SR_09_1175827244 OK Fri Apr 6 10:46:08 CST 2007 tet result: [CPL_SR_009:Control panel hvm save/restore process continuity test] Xm test in PAE Xen: ========================= Xm-test timing summary: Run Started : Run Stoped : Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:17:52 +0800 Xm-test execution summary: PASS: 24 FAIL: 23 XPASS: 0 XFAIL: 3 Details: FAIL: 04_list_goodparm_pos Unknown reason XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos Failed to read from console (fd=3) [Errno 5] Input/output error FAIL: 03_network_local_tcp_pos Unknown reason FAIL: 04_network_local_udp_pos Failed to create domain XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_pause_basic_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 06_network_dom0_tcp_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 02_pause_badopt_neg Failed to create domain FAIL: 07_network_dom0_udp_pos Failed to create domain XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_reboot_basic_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 12_network_domU_tcp_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 02_reboot_badopt_neg Failed to create domain FAIL: 13_network_domU_udp_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_shutdown_basic_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 02_shutdown_badparm_neg Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_unpause_basic_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_vcpu-disable_basic_pos Failed to create domain FAIL: 01_vcpu-pin_basic_pos Failed to create domain Ltp test in PAE Xen: ========================= Summary Test Report of Last Session ============================================================================== = Total Pass Fail NoResult Crash ============================================================================== =ltp 194 194 0 0 0 ============================================================================== =ltp 194 194 0 0 0 mm 21 21 0 0 0 dio 28 28 0 0 0 nptl 1 1 0 0 0 math 10 10 0 0 0 ipc 8 8 0 0 0 pty 3 3 0 0 0 quickhit 120 120 0 0 0 sched 3 3 0 0 0 ============================================================================== =Total 194 194 0 0 0