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[Xen-devel] xendomains init script


I worked on the xendomains init script.

It now allows the user to configure what he wants to be done on
xendomains stop: sysrq, migrate, save, or shutdown.
For this to be safe, a timeout has been introduced (optional).
On start, saved domains may be restored, and not yet started
domains from the auto start dir will be started in addition.
status reports missing domains, restart and reload work as well.

The init script is somewhat SUSE-ish, but it should work on LSB
compliant and on RH based distros as well.

I would appreciate this to be put into tools/examples/init.d/

Signed-off-by: Kurt Garloff <garloff@xxxxxxx>

Kurt Garloff, Director SUSE Labs, Novell Inc.

Attachment: init.xendomains
Description: init.xendomains

Attachment: sysconfig.xendomains
Description: sysconfig.xendomains

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Description: PGP signature

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