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Re: [Xen-devel] atropos again

Is there anyway (some command I type in the commandline) I can find which scheudler is currently used by Xen? BTW, Could anyone answer my question aobut the current status of Atropos scheduler I sent a couple of days ago?
Many thanks.

xuehai zhang wrote:
Hi all,
I read the previous threads in the mailing list (I attached Ross's post sent on 2/23/05) about atropos scheduler and it looks to me the bug in atropos has not been fixed until that time. Because I could not find any new posts talking about atropos, I appreciate if anyone can update me the current status of the atropos scheduler. BTW, Ross also mentioned Stephan is working on an alternative scheduler and I wonder where I can get the patch or is it already included in the latest version of Xen?
Thank you so much for your help.

 > Hi,
 > I am working on a project which requires enforced CPU partitioning
 > between domains, and so was planning to use the atropos scheduler.
 > However I notice from a previous post that atropos does not seem to be
 > working.  Has there been any progress in finding the bug?
 > I also noticed that Stephan Diestelhorst was working on an alternative
 > deadline-based scheduler.  Is this ready for use?
 > Thanks for your help
 > Ross

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