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Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: 32 bits as smallest atomic size.

On 27 Mar 2005, at 00:27, David Hopwood wrote:

Keir Fraser wrote:
On 26 Mar 2005, at 17:31, Jimi Xenidis wrote:
Few things to note:
1) packed is [un]necessary since the ABI will do the right thing
I prefer to pack things explicitly rather than rely on ABI padding.

If you use -Wpadded when compiling with gcc then you're not relying on
ABI padding; you're automatically checking that it is not used. That
would seem to be precisely what is required here.

If I could specify it on a per-struct basis then it would be perfect. But I do want the normal padding rules to be applied for non-public struct definitions.

 -- Keir

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