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[Xen-devel] Newbee - Xenoboot CD

The following is a request originally sent to the SuSE [SLE] list and explains my problem in trying to download the bz2 compressed tarball so I might customize it's contents for my LAN and use to make the Live CD "Xenoboot CD" . In this request I ask for download help for which I am willing to pay. My development LAN (16 computers) is located in my home in a rural area of Alberta, Canada and my only available Internect connectivity is slow dial up. If the download had worked it would have taken about 5 days. But after 1 day the connection is lost. Can anyone on [Xen-devel] suggest another way I might get this tarball or it's pieces in increments. Or is anyone interested in being reimbursed for the effort per the note sent to the [SLE] list? See details in note below.

I am working on a SuSE focused project.

First, I apologize if this request is out of order. I am (as some of you already know) working on a special project and I first needed help on Grub which I received from various people on this list. Thanks to all (too many to name here) who helped me in various ways. Nearly every suggestion was helpful. I post this request on [SLE] rather than [OT] because I know there is a fair amount of interest on [SLE].
In terms of that SuSE based project, I now need to download a 300Meg 
byte tar ball bz2 compressed file from Cambridge University and have 
been unsuccessful over my (slow) dial up line (server time out) even 
though the download utility is relentlessly persistent. I need to get 
this tarball!!!
I need this tar ball for my SuSE based project.  I am trying to find 
someone (I will pay them for their effort which will involve the 
download of this bz2 file, checking data integrity by decompressing and 
untaring the tar ball without errors -- it takes about 1.8Gig of disk 
space -- and finally putting the compressed tarball onto two data CDs -- 
one purely as backup, packaging and mailing the two CDs to me). Please 
NOTE: Details arranged by email and not over the list.
The contents of this compressed tar ball -- once customized for my LAN 
-- will be used to make a LIVE Xen CD which I will then use to build 
vitual machines (on SuSE LINUX) which will host SuSE 9.1, 9.2, etc., as 
well as other distributions.  This Live CD besides creating and 
migrating virtual Linux installations to other machines can effectively 
do back ups. In other words, this Live CD can be used to satisfy all my 
project objectives in one form or another. I have the URLs and 
instructions for the complete process (including customization) if 
anyone else is interested in doing the same thing (Josephine?).  But 
this email is specific to down loading the tar ball for Xen Live CD 
Again I wish to aplogize if this request is inappropriate but I did want 
to share what I have been doing with the list anyway in case others were 
Thanks again -- TED

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