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Re: [Xen-devel] Error: Error creating domain: (13, 'Permission denied')

>>Please post the output of /var/log/xend.log
>[2005-01-19 03:33:16 xend] INFO (SrvDaemon:607) Xend Daemon started
>[2005-01-19 03:33:17 xend] INFO (XendRoot:91) EVENT> xend.start 0
>[2005-01-19 03:33:28 xend] ERROR (SrvBase:162) op=create: Error creating 
>domain: (13, 'Permission denied')
>Traceback (most recent call last):

So this error seems to only be possible due to: 

  - a version mismatch between the user-space tools and the version
    of xen actually running, or 
  - a failure to access the privcmd interface in dom0 

In the former case, you should see something in /var/log/xend-debug.log 
(like "Dom0 operation failed - need to rebuild the user-space tool set?") 

In the latter case, it would probably mean you were running xend as non-root. 

Do either of these seem plausible? 



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