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Re: [Xen-devel] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

> >>I had tried that (and hda1) before, but sda1 I get an error, too:
> >>[root@dyn95394184 xen]# xm create -c test1 vmid=1
> >>Using config file "test1".
> >>Error: Error creating domain: vbd: Device not found: sda1
> >
> >try  disk = [ 'phy:hdc1,0801,w' ]
> >
> >0801 == sda1
> No difference.  Same Kernel panic

Something odd is going on here -- I believe other people have had
RHEL3 working.

Can you mount hdc1 in dom 0 OK? Is there an sbin/init ? Is there
a dev directory?

It might be worth enabling the debugging printks in
drivers/xen/blkfront/block.h and drivers/xen/blockback/common.h
and rebuilding xen0 / xenU.


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