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Re: [Xen-devel] atropos scheduler broken

> >o first I create 2 VMs -- VM1 and VM2
> >o then I change their atropos params as follows:
> >$ xm atropos 1 10 100 1 1
> >$ xm atropos 2 70 100 1 1
> >Ideally, this should guarantee that VM1 gets 10ns of CPU time every
> >100ns, and VM2 gets 70ns every 100ns, and that any left over CPU time
> >will be shared between the 2.

You might find the following program useful while testing out the
scheduler. It prints the amount of CPU it's getting once a
second. Atropos was working fine for CPU bound domains a few
months back, but had some fairly odd behaviour for IO intensive
domains. Because no one has been using it its probably rotted a
bit. The original algorithm (used in the Nemesis OS) worked just
fine, so this is just an implementation issue.


 * slurp.c
 * Slurps spare CPU cycles and prints a percentage estimate every second.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* rpcc: get full 64-bit Pentium TSC value */
static __inline__ unsigned long long int rpcc(void) 
    unsigned int __h, __l;
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" :"=a" (__l), "=d" (__h));
    return (((unsigned long long)__h) << 32) + __l;

 * find_cpu_speed:
 *   Interrogates /proc/cpuinfo for the processor clock speed.
 *   Returns: speed of processor in MHz, rounded down to nearest whole MHz.
#define MAX_LINE_LEN 50
int find_cpu_speed(void)
    FILE *f;
    char s[MAX_LINE_LEN], *a, *b;

    if ( (f = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL ) goto out;

    while ( fgets(s, MAX_LINE_LEN, f) )
        if ( strstr(s, "cpu MHz") )
            /* Find the start of the speed value, and stop at the dec point. */
            if ( !(a=strpbrk(s,"0123456789")) || !(b=strpbrk(a,".")) ) break;
            *b = '\0';

    fprintf(stderr, "find_cpu_speed: error parsing /proc/cpuinfo for cpu MHz");

int main(void)
    int mhz, i;

     * no_preempt_estimate is our estimate, in clock cycles, of how long it
     * takes to execute one iteration of the main loop when we aren't
     * preempted. 50000 cycles is an overestimate, which we want because:
     *  (a) On the first pass through the loop, diff will be almost 0,
     *      which will knock the estimate down to <40000 immediately.
     *  (b) It's safer to approach real value from above than from below --
     *      note that this algorithm is unstable if n_p_e gets too small!
    unsigned int no_preempt_estimate = 50000;

     * prev  = timestamp on previous iteration;
     * this  = timestamp on this iteration;
     * diff  = difference between the above two stamps;
     * start = timestamp when we last printed CPU % estimate;
    unsigned long long int prev, this, diff, start;

     * preempt_time = approx. cycles we've been preempted for since last stats
     *                display.
    unsigned long long int preempt_time = 0;

    /* Required in order to print intermediate results at fixed period. */
    mhz = find_cpu_speed();
    printf("CPU speed = %d MHz\n", mhz);

    start = prev = rpcc();

    for ( ; ; )
         * By looping for a while here we hope to reduce affect of getting
         * preempted in critical "timestamp swapping" section of the loop.
         * In addition, it should ensure that 'no_preempt_estimate' stays
         * reasonably large which helps keep this algorithm stable.
        for ( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ );

         * The critical bit! Getting preempted here will shaft us a bit,
         * but the loop above should make this a rare occurrence.
        this = rpcc();
        diff = this - prev;
        prev = this;

        /* if ( diff > (1.5 * preempt_estimate) */
        if ( diff > no_preempt_estimate + (no_preempt_estimate>>1) )
            /* We were probably preempted for a while. */
            preempt_time += diff - no_preempt_estimate;            
             * Looks like we weren't preempted -- update our time estimate:
             * New estimate = 0.75*old_est + 0.25*curr_diff
            no_preempt_estimate =
                (no_preempt_estimate>>1) + (no_preempt_estimate>>2) +
        /* Dump CPU time every second. */
        if ( (this - start) / mhz > 1000000 ) 
            printf("Slurped %.2f%% CPU, TSC %08x\n", 
            start = this;
            preempt_time = 0;




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