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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: NPTL/TLS "emulation" idea (fwd)

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Keir Fraser wrote:

> Yes, so the answer is that we 'flip' about as often as the current
> code emulates (e.g., about 2.5 million flips/emulations to boot a Red
> Hat system).
> The performance is very bad, but the flipping code is both simpler and
> more robust than emulation so I will go with the new technique.

How bad is the performance?  A 10% performance penalty, 30% ?

> But I will still print a warning message from Linux to tell the user to
> remove /lib/tls.

I've heard that this will actually break some things, like
db4 locking and the RPM database consistency...

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