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[Xen-devel] iscsi boot xen0 initrd

  • To: "Xen Virtual Machine Monitor" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "James Harper" <JamesH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 23:38:39 +1000
  • Delivery-date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 14:45:16 +0100
  • List-id: List for Xen developers <xen-devel.lists.sourceforge.net>
  • Thread-index: AcSuBUjqULaJUFfNQJOmgDLHwbXn1Q==
  • Thread-topic: iscsi boot xen0 initrd

In case it helps anyone, here's a script I use to boot xen0 over iscsi
with an initrd using linux-iscsi and iscsi-init (both on sourceforge).
Some (or most) of it might be debian (sarge) specific though. The script
goes in /etc/mkinitrd/scripts and puts the bits and pieces in place. It
has to prepend stuff to /script in the resultant initrd so it does a few
funny things. Add your Ethernet module to /etc/mkinitrd/modules too. It
also takes care of the bridging by setting up the bridge before loading
iscsi-init which brings up the interface via dhcp or manually.


MOD=`find /lib/modules/$VERSION -name 'iscsi_sfnet.*o'`
mkdir -p $INITRDDIR/`dirname $MOD`

MOD=`find /lib/modules/$VERSION -name 'crc32c.*o'`
mkdir -p $INITRDDIR/`dirname $MOD`

MOD=`find /lib/modules/$VERSION -name 'libcrc32c.*o'`
mkdir -p $INITRDDIR/`dirname $MOD`

MOD=`find /lib/modules/$VERSION -name 'iscsi_init.*o'`
mkdir -p $INITRDDIR/`dirname $MOD`

depmod -a -b $INITRDDIR $VERSION

mv $INITRDDIR/script $INITRDDIR/script.post-iscsi
chmod 777 $INITRDDIR/script.post-iscsi

if [ `echo $VERSION | grep '\-xen0$'` ]
  cp `which brctl` $INITRDDIR/sbin
  cp /usr/lib/libsysfs.so.1 $INITRDDIR/lib
  cat <<EOF >>$INITRDDIR/script
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
/sbin/brctl addbr br0
/sbin/brctl setfd br0 0
/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth0

cat <<EOF >>$INITRDDIR/script
mount -nt tmpfs tmpfs /dev
modprobe -k iscsi_sfnet
modprobe -k iscsi_init
umount /dev
cat $INITRDDIR/script.post-iscsi >>$INITRDDIR/script
rm $INITRDDIR/script.post-iscsi
chmod 777 $INITRDDIR/script

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