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Re: [Xen-devel] Inconsistent domain parameter passed to vif-bridge

On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 12:16:10PM +0100, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > It seems that the "domain" parameter passed to the vif-bridge script
> > isn't always consistent.  When calling "vif-bridge up", domain refers to
> > the name assigned to the domain.  When "vif-bridge down" is called,
> > domain is of the form "DOM<n>", where <n> is the numeric identifier for
> > the domain.
> Oops -- that's a bug not a feature.
> We probably should be making both the name and the domid
> available to the script anyhow. 
> > So far I've tracked the problem as far as noticing that NetDev.destroy
> > in python/xen/xend/server/netif.py isn't passed the name of the domain,
> > but I haven't figured out how to best fix this.  I'm willing to work on
> > it a bit; any suggestions for how to approach it?
> Mike would be the best person to fix this, but he's on holiday
> for a week. Any takers?

I took a closer look at the problem this week and came up with a fix.
My approach for now is to store the domain name as well as the domain ID
in the Controller instance for the domain's network interfaces.  Right
now I have the code structured so that the domain name can be made
available to block devices, console devices, etc., but I only have
everything implemented for network devices.

I don't know if this is the best approach to take.  I also considered
making the full XendDomainInfo object available, but decided for now
just to pass the name along.

Preliminary patch is attached, but it shouldn't be applied because I'd
at least like to do some other cleanup first.  Plus, it might be decided
that another approach is better.  But it works for me.

--Michael Vrable

Attachment: xen-netif-domname.patch
Description: Text document



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