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[Xen-community] Wiki-spam

  • To: xen-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: "Henning Sprang" <henning.sprang@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:44:23 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:44:37 -0700
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition; b=oQUmouoT+tnkbwTMUjunzYHGuTyxr7wznCIBViNUmmKcdKndI9727ZllbCK/UhdXgJa4FUD6MgIj4hOAqHdkcVtfn2xJIKzZxZALQP4uR8UvHVR3DNUnRfZ9NKVGKchlNipjOYDnDjvZPfbEyeqaY5wtFRJmtlj2Y1hzfUTq3Eo=
  • List-id: Community Discussion <xen-community.lists.xensource.com>

Wiki's are, in my opinion, a good way for the community to generate
and maintain information about the product, and coordinate their work.
I see a lot of spam coming into the wiki these days - actually, as one
is used to see it in emails, there's more spam than actual content

What do you think about making the wiki editable for reistered users only?

Or, what we did with the our german Xen wiki: with ACL's in the
MoinMoin Wiki set accordingly, one can create a page "WikiEditors",
and only Users that are registered, and that are listed on this page,
are allowed to edit.  That way, you always have to ask one of the
persons already on that page(at leat some must give their contact
information) to set your user name on such a page to get edit
permissions. The same goes for Admins, who have some more rights,

I can provide the wiki admin with the config settings needed tio
achieve this, if this is an interesting option!


Henning Sprang
http://www.sprang.de | http://lazyb0y.blogspot.com/

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