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[Xen-cim] Fw: [tm-redundancy] Management Service Revisions
FYI - This is a fairly important change (and simplification & improvement IMHO) to some of the VirtualizationManagementService extrinsic methods that came out of the f2f last week, specifically the DefineVirtualSystem() and ModifyVirtualSystem() flavors, so it is worth noting. These proposed changes have not made it into the overall System Virtualization profile doc yet (we're waiting for Michael to get back from vacation).
- Gareth
Gareth S. Bestor, PhD.
IBM Linux Technology Center
M/S DES2-01
15300 SW Koll Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006
503-578-3186, T/L 775-3186, Fax 503-578-3186
---------------------- Forwarded by Gareth S Bestor/Poughkeepsie/IBM on 06/01/2006 04:58 PM ---------------------------
To: tm-redundancy@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [tm-redundancy] Management Service Revisions
Nihar Shah added the following comment to the DMTF-System_Virtualization_Profile_0_7_1_Errata_Combined.xls document in the System Virtualization, Partitioning, and Clustering Group.
We discussed the clone, modify, and define extrinsic methods on the management service at the F2F, and agreed to try simplifying them into more primitive methods. Proposed revisions can be found in the calendar document named "Management Service Revisions.doc".
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