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[Xen-cim] Provider Initialize functions

Most of the providers have an initialize function that is called when for example the <ProviderName>_Create_InstanceMI function is executed. The initialize function is provided in calls to the various CM*MIStub macros. The second parameter of the initialize function (ctx) is not defined anywhere that I can find but is referenced during execution of the initialize function and crashes the cimom. Only one of the providers does anything useful in the initialization function - Xen_CompterSystemIndication. All of them however print some debug info and in doing so reference the bogus context and crash. I simply commented all of the offending

_SBLIM_TRACE(2, ("--- context=\"%s\"", CMGetCharPtr(CDToString(_BROKER, context, NULL))));

statements in the various initialized routines to avoid the crash.

Do we anticipate needing the initialization routines? If not, I can remove them. Xen_ComputerSystemIndication apparently needs one although I doubt it works given the bogus context parameter.

BTW, I now have all of the providers working on SLES/openwbem. The "get it working on suse/openwbem" patch will be committed to the repository after some cleanup, e.g. like the issue described above.


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