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[Xen-changelog] [xen master] tools/python: Drop cpuid helpers

commit 0a9c44486b901dbcef7c5e583d1a5ffbf4762bc5
Author:     Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
AuthorDate: Wed Feb 5 16:50:53 2020 +0000
Commit:     Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 10 10:58:07 2020 +0000

    tools/python: Drop cpuid helpers
    These are believed-unused, and the underlying infrastructure is about to be
    rewritten completely.
    Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <marmarek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c | 98 ---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 98 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c 
index a751e85910..ac0e26a742 100644
--- a/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c
+++ b/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c
@@ -694,84 +694,6 @@ static PyObject *pyxc_get_device_group(XcObject *self,
     return Pystr;
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-static void pyxc_dom_extract_cpuid(PyObject *config,
-                                  char **regs)
-    const char *regs_extract[4] = { "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx" };
-    PyObject *obj;
-    int i;
-    memset(regs, 0, 4*sizeof(*regs));
-    if ( !PyDict_Check(config) )
-        return;
-    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-        if ( (obj = PyDict_GetItemString(config, regs_extract[i])) != NULL )
-            regs[i] = PyBytes_AS_STRING(obj);
-static PyObject *pyxc_create_cpuid_dict(char **regs)
-   const char *regs_extract[4] = { "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx" };
-   PyObject *dict;
-   int i;
-   dict = PyDict_New();
-   for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-   {
-       if ( regs[i] == NULL )
-           continue;
-       PyDict_SetItemString(dict, regs_extract[i],
-                            PyBytes_FromString(regs[i]));
-       free(regs[i]);
-       regs[i] = NULL;
-   }
-   return dict;
-static PyObject *pyxc_dom_set_policy_cpuid(XcObject *self,
-                                           PyObject *args)
-    int domid;
-    if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &domid) )
-        return NULL;
-    if ( xc_cpuid_apply_policy(self->xc_handle, domid, NULL, 0) )
-        return pyxc_error_to_exception(self->xc_handle);
-    Py_INCREF(zero);
-    return zero;
-static PyObject *pyxc_dom_set_cpuid(XcObject *self,
-                                    PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *sub_input, *config;
-    unsigned int domid, input[2];
-    char *regs[4], *regs_transform[4];
-    if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "IIOO", &domid,
-                           &input[0], &sub_input, &config) )
-        return NULL;
-    pyxc_dom_extract_cpuid(config, regs);
-    input[1] = XEN_CPUID_INPUT_UNUSED;
-    if ( PyLong_Check(sub_input) )
-        input[1] = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(sub_input);
-    if ( xc_cpuid_set(self->xc_handle, domid, input, (const char **)regs,
-                      regs_transform) )
-        return pyxc_error_to_exception(self->xc_handle);
-    return pyxc_create_cpuid_dict(regs_transform);
-#endif /* __i386__ || __x86_64__ */
 static PyObject *pyxc_gnttab_hvm_seed(XcObject *self,
                                      PyObject *args,
                                      PyObject *kwds)
@@ -2406,26 +2328,6 @@ static PyMethodDef pyxc_methods[] = {
       "Inject debug keys into Xen.\n"
       " keys    [str]: String of keys to inject.\n" },
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-    { "domain_set_cpuid", 
-      (PyCFunction)pyxc_dom_set_cpuid, 
-      METH_VARARGS, "\n"
-      "Set cpuid response for an input and a domain.\n"
-      " dom [int]: Identifier of domain.\n"
-      " input [long]: Input for cpuid instruction (eax)\n"
-      " sub_input [long]: Second input (optional, may be None) for cpuid "
-      "                     instruction (ecx)\n"
-      " config [dict]: Dictionary of register\n\n"
-      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; exception on error.\n" },
-    { "domain_set_policy_cpuid", 
-      (PyCFunction)pyxc_dom_set_policy_cpuid, 
-      METH_VARARGS, "\n"
-      "Set the default cpuid policy for a domain.\n"
-      " dom [int]: Identifier of domain.\n\n"
-      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; exception on error.\n" },
     { "dom_set_memshr", 
       METH_VARARGS, "\n"
generated by git-patchbot for /home/xen/git/xen.git#master

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