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Re: [Xci-devel] Information on XCI Project and root.ext2 file download

  • To: "Damien Bruley" <damien.bruley@xxxxxxxxx>, <xci-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Damien Bruley" <damien.bruley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 14:45:49 +0100
  • Cc:
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 05:47:12 -0800
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Hi Guys
Do you have any new information about my request below?
I'm running in circle with XCI because I d'ont have any way to create a VHD neither has a way to monitor the start of the VM.
Can some one upload to me a root.ext2 so I could test what's going on with mine.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Xci-devel] Information on XCI Project and root.ext2 file download

I resolved the dbusbouncer issue by selected it in .config on the build repository.
But I can't find anything around uid on .config ? do you guys have the same message on F4 console ?
Please can you tell me How to have a working VM ? and also How to Monitor it ?
There is no much documentation around it and if you give me the steps I could write a whitepaper on it .
Thanks a lot !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Xci-devel] Information on XCI Project and root.ext2 file download

Hi ,
I already folowed all the steps on this whitepaper.
I sucessfully create and compiled my build and get root.ext2 file.
But then after creating my system and booting with grub I can't find the
command vhd-util to create Virtual Disk volume.
Also I created a config file and type :
xenvm  --config /path/to/my/config --monitor-dbus true
THe cmd line does not return any error but I get nothing working
If I refere to xentop no vm are running.
In addition, when I go to alt-F4 I see lots or errors refering to :
cannot run '/usr/bin/uid' no such file
cannot run '/usr/sbin/dbusbouncer' no such file

I'm very sorry but I can't find more documentation and whitepaper rather
than :

Thanks for your help ! I only want to test and developp opensource
application on top of XCI ;

2009/10/9 Jean Guyader <jean.guyader@xxxxxxxxx>
2009/10/6 Damien Bruley <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Team,
> My name is Damien and I'm consultant on virtualisation.
> I'm testing XCI to implement it on a Desktop Virtualisation Project and I'll
> be interested if you could send me your rootfs.i686.ext2 so I could test
> xenclient properly.
> In fact I did compile XCI as mention in xen.org but when I get to "Welcome
> to Xenclient" after grub, I don't have any way to create VHD ... and no way
> to get a VM Working.
> Would it be possible , please, to help me on this ? I don't see much comment
> or documentation around creating/configuring VM with XCI ..

Hi Damien,

Here is the quick start guide.


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