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[Xci-devel] Howto apply patches to XCI-kernel source

  • To: xci-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: Hugo Cardozo <hugoac2004@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:39:45 -0400
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:40:42 -0700
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  • List-id: xci-devel.lists.xensource.com

Hi to all;

In the Xen wiki, I read that I can use the XCI 2.6.27 linux kernel as a
Dom0 kernel, instead of the regular XenLinux kernel. I was interested,
'cos I need to use a newer kernel than 2.6.18.

So, I downloaded the XCI kernel source

git clone http://xenbits.xen.org/git-http/xenclient/linux-2.6.27.git

but when I checked it out, it seemed to me to be a regular vanilla
kernel (ie. not Dom0, just DomU). Further reading in the archive list
confirmed that.

Then, I thought that those kernel sources just needed to be patched, in
order to get the Dom0 feature. For that:

git clone http://xenbits.xen.org/git-http/xenclient/linux-2.6.27-pq.git

and that way I got that needed patches, if I'm not wrong.

But, I didn't found out how to apply those patches. Obviusly, I cannot
just say something like "patch -Np1 < [ patch dir]/*patch", I think it
would be overly simplistic.

The included README says "follow the guidelines outlined in the Xen
patch queue README when commiting to this tree". I think that README
could tell me how to apply the patches. But I didn't found that "Xen
patch queue README", either.

So, here's my question: where can I get some docs to help me in patching
my copy of the XCI kernel source? Maybe that "Xen pq README"? Or
something similar?


Hugo S. Cardozo

Xci-devel mailing list



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