win-pv-devel - Mail Index

August 31, 23
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 2/5] Delete CoInstaller code Owen Smith
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 5/5] Add Unplug v2 Owen Smith
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 4/5] Remove REV from DeviceID Owen Smith
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 1/5] Remove CoInstaller from INF Owen Smith
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 3/5] Fix Length calculation in PdoQueryId Owen Smith
07:50 [RFC: PATCH 0/5] Remove CoInstallers Owen Smith
07:45 Re: [PATCH 0/6] Remove CoInstallers Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 6/6] Add Unplug v2 interface (REV_0900000A) Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 3/6] Delete CoInstaller code Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 1/6] Remove CoInstaller from INF Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 2/6] Reset StorNvme's StartOverride Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 5/6] Remove REV from DeviceID Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 4/6] Fix Length calculation in PdoQueryId Owen Smith
07:29 [PATCH 0/6] Remove CoInstallers Owen Smith
August 24, 23
14:29 [PATCH] Fully initialise device power map Matthew Sykes
14:29 [PATCH] Fully initialise device power map Matthew Sykes
August 23, 23
09:03 missing downloads for 9.0.0 release Dominik Pflegerl
August 22, 23
11:30 [PATCH] ASSERT Cache method parameters Owen Smith
11:29 [PATCH] Avoid dereferencing NULL cache objects. Owen Smith
August 14, 23
12:44 Re: Win11 22H2 and CoInstallers Paul Durrant
12:41 Re: [win-pv-devel] v9.0.0 released Paul Durrant
August 08, 23
20:41 Re: Win11 22H2 and CoInstallers Chuck Zmudzinski
August 03, 23
17:15 Re: [win-pv-devel] v9.0.0 released Steffan Cline

Mail converted by MHonArc


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