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[win-pv-devel] Urgent actions for Outreachy mentors

Hi everyone,

if you are an Outreachy mentor, you *must request access* to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MaJD0bvjaXN6Jg1h0be7Zv99lnGZxC4FfxHhhRkpgBs/edit?usp=sharing if I have not already given you access ... 

The idea is to track in the spreadsheet ...
a) Who has been engaging with potential applicants and who they are
b) Which project(s) do they want to work on
c) Have they contributed small contribution yet and what are they

Please *add any candidates* you have had conversations with, in particular if the answer to c) is yes.

If the answer is c), you *must* create an account on https://outreachy.gnome.org and sign up as mentor. Otherwise, your applicant won't be able to submit an application.

As for deadlines:

September 29 application process opens

** We are here **

November 2 application deadline
November 6 (mentors): Xen Project mentors get together and evaluate applicants
November 9 (mentors): Xen Project decides which applicants to put forward
November 17 accepted applicants announced
December 7 - March 7 internship dates

If you had several applicants asking for the same project, I propose we follow the following protocol.
* Ask applicants to chose a back-up project
* Let them apply for normally
* Resolve any "conflicts" post the November 2 deadline (between Nov 2-9)

Best Regards
win-pv-devel mailing list



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