= Attendees =
Lars Kurth
Ian Jackson
Felix Geyer
Michael Sprengel
== Actions from previous meeting ==
ACTION: To discuss downtown slowt for next week with Wei and communicate to Yogi
See below
Tue 12 from 13:00 - Wed 13 AM
ACTION: Ian J to boot new-www VM into rescue mode and investigate whether anything needs saving
ACTION: Ian to search his inbox for reply from Michael Young (for #70055)
== Open Tickets ==
70055 Handover Rackspace VMs
70806 Verify Rails for ARM Box
73792 oseleta1 Dell to recover motherboard and disk (close as duplicate of 77944)
74357 Please review colo firewall
Switch the new firewall rules to prohibit the new git connections
Schedule a time to include this, PDU firmware, update, ARM rails, ..
Morning US time (14:00 UK, 15:00 Germany) - Ian needs about 24h notice to shut everything down
Tue 12 from 13:00 - Wed 13 AM
ACTION: Lars to send out e-mail (confirm with Yogesh)
77635 Migrating Xen Project websites from http to https
77696 Security support for wiki
ACTION: Lars to check ticket and sign off
77732 rimava1 mysterious pdu problem
77944 Please remove network cable from oseleta0
== Other Items ==
Lars: xenproject.org SSL certificate
Lars: bits.xensource.com migration to new VM (Akamai account paid for by Citrix) - hosts release tarballs
> Action: Lars check xenproject.org download page visits/month or year and
> Per year between 73K and 100K
> Per month between 14 - 20K
> multiply with size of most xen tarball to get us an upper bound 19.7 MB
> This means we have a download bandwidth need of around 276 GB - 394 GB per month
> The daily average seems to be around 12 GB
Q: would creating a new VM to replace xenbits.xensource.com hit our RAX limit?
ACTION: Felix check whether we will have an issue
Last invoice : about $400 per month left
Ian: Should be careful, but likely won't make a difference
Ian: Shoul we create a new VM or host it on xenbits
Felix: VM should be able to handle this
Ian: it should have its own DNS name
ACTION: Ian to talk to Lars and produce instructions and create ticket
Felix: jessie upgrade blog, bugs (run by Wei)
A few hours for complete OS upgrade
ACTION: Lars to speciffy Window for blog and bugs