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[Wg-test-framework] Inclusion of Hardware details on osstest results pages

Gopalakrishnan, Aravind writes ("Inclusion of Hardware details on osstest 
results pages"):
> 2.       I understand that there?s not a lot of space available on the 
> report. So, if the above is not viable, an alternative solution may be to 
> include the processor vendor, family/model names as part of the ?Test control 
> variables? table of each job?

I think something very like this ought to be doable.  I will put it on
my todo list.

Ian C: I suggest that we interpret the above as a request to:

 * include the host properties and flags of all involved hosts
   in the per-job html output from sg-report-flight

 * invent some new (preferably automatically-collected) host
   properties with information from cpuinfo etc.

 * Perhaps invent a new column in the host properties table which
   flags values which are to be collected automatically (to prevent
   accidents of various kinds)

 * Perhaps collect the whole of cpuinfo and maybe a boot dmesg and
   also link to them from the sg-report-flight job page


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