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Re: [Wg-test-framework] MS Licenses update for Test Lab

On 12/05/2015 17:12, "Ian Jackson" <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Indeed, our current system cannot run more than one VM on any one test
>box.  In the future this may change but we can extend the existing
>resource allocation framework to ensure that we do not exceed this
>Note that this year we plan to spend more money on hardware so this
>yearly bill would double.

Still, that doesn't matter. The price tag isn't huge.

>> * Would we be able to include Windows 8 into testing if needed : I
>> was assuming yes the VDA agreement is only available for Windows
>> 8.1+, but would allow us to run older Windows versions also. There
>> may be a requirement to run at least one Windows 8+ VM though (to be
>> confirmed)
>"Requirement to run at least one Windows 8+ VM" doesn't seem to make
>much sense given that much of the time there won't be _any_ Windows
>VMs running.

I didn't fully understand that either, which is why this is somewhat
vague. Will follow up when I know more.

>> * Do we need to test against Windows Server  : I was assuming that
>> Windows versions are fine. If we need server also, the cost would
>>probably go
>> up
>As I say, we can limit our numbers of simultaneous VMs.
>> It does look as if we have a way forward, but Steve warned that MS
>>moves at
>> glacial speed and this may take some time to sort out. But at least
>>there is
>> progress and there seems to be a way forward.
>Should I start thinking about the development work necessary to
>allocate Windows licences ?  (Effectively, this would make our
>existing resource scheduler serve as a licence server.)

Not yet


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