* Don Slutz (Verizon)
* Aravind Gopalakrishnan (AMD)
* Don D Dugger (Intel)
* Ian Jackson (Citrix)
* Chris Shepherd (Citrix)
* Lars Kurth (Citrix)
* Marcos Matsunaga (Oracle)
Ian to email specs of the machines for which we need the BIOS redirection to work.
Aravind to follow up internally ithin AMD to find a solution to this problem.
Aravind to source the chip we want for supermicro boards.
== Colo==
[Ian] Status - AllNet missed call yesterday, so going from emails. Machines have apparently been moved to the correct rack positions (not confirmed yet). Have not configured the PDUs yet. 4 pairs of machines
have not yet been delivered though this is not unexpected. Internal network switch not yet fully configured. In short as these are all still hardware config problem we have still not got as far as configuring the VMs on these servers. Ian will try to login
and do PDU config vie the serial interface. But needs to leave Cisco switch config to Paul and team. Finally there is still a problem with a pair of machines that could not do serial redirection of BIOS. Need to talk to AMD. Asked Aravind whether he could
find someone we could talk to about this. We badly need BIOS accessible via serial port. Aravind explored option of putting new BIOS on these servers, but not yet sure whether this is feasible. Ian will email the specs for these machines to the WG, then Aravind
will follow up.
[Aravind] – Lars mentioned problem sourcing a particular AMD chip for supermicro boards. Aravind has followed up internally and will source the chip for us, which is still a good choice for us. If this proves
impossible to procure then we could change to a different platform.
In his capacity as osstest maintainer, Ian has received patches ref nested virtualization from Intel.