Dear AB members,
at LinuxCon EU (or was it NA) Mike Woster suggested that I put together a strategy that helps increase momentum .
The basic idea of what he suggested is to express the strategy as a simple table that we would maintain at an ongoing basis:
a) Major news/message/activity on the left. Examples of entries could be:
A press release for a Xen Project release
A series of stories about new feature/benchmarks/… in the tech media
Presence (e.g. a Xen Project booth) at an event
It could also be a vendor press release (e.g. a product release with a Xen angle)
It could also be a Xen demo planned for an event by a vendor
It could also be an announcement of an activity sponsored by a AB vendor (e.g. work such as XenGT by Intel, an intention to contribute a larger piece of code, etc.)
b) Major Industry / OSS events on the right
The first step, is to collect as much input as can be shared. As such, I need to
Identify events that AB members care about : So please let me know of any Industry Events, you want me to add. These do NOT have to be open source events.
I will just start with the major OSS events and let you add things from there
Any items for the left side of the strategy that you want to add. I will send this document to the board regularly for any updates.
The intention of this exercise is to
Ensure that “news/message/activity” are aligned with an event that provides maximum exposure
Make sure we have something positive we can cover on an ongoing basis
Ensure that we evenly distribute activities that build momentum over the year
Here is my very first go at this (I separated events by server and cloud and “other” for technologies that are not core to Xen today, BUT have potential)
Industry Event(s) – Server and Cloud
Industry Event(s) – Other
Comment / Idea
Xen Project: Xen 4.4 Release
(see -
ETA Jan 21, could slip into Feb). Key Features
PVH DomU (experimental)
Xen on ARM (server HW)
Consider releasing & PR just before FOSDEM (e.g. Jan 27) to generate some Xen “buzz” at FOSDEM.
Xen Project: Booth Presence at FOSDEM (TBD)
Xen Project: Co-organzing Virt & Iaas DevRoom
FOSDEM, Feb 1-2, Belgium
(largest FOSS event in Europe, 5000+ attendees)
OpenDayLight Summit, Feb 4-5
Very Developer Centric
LF Collab Summit, March 26-28, CA
Always good for collaboration, major contribution announcements, etc.
Embedded Linux Conference, April 29 – May 1
Android Builders Conference, April 29 – May 1
Build Xen+Embedded/Android momentum
LC Japan, June 4-6
LF Enterprise User Summit, Jun 23-24
Automotive Summit, June 2-3
Build Xen+Automotive momentum
OSCON, July 20-24
Provisional: Xen Project Developer Summit
(with press invited)
Xen Project Dev Summit, Aug 16 & 17
LC NA, Chicago, Aug 18-20
Xen Project: Xen 4.5 Release
LC EU, Germany, Oct 13-15
Just to explain how this may work to maximise impact
If a vendor (e.g. Verizon has become active recently) were to plan a major contribution, an event such as Linux Foundation Collab Summit could be used to maximise impact
Similarly the Graduation of MirageOS may work well for Linux Foundation Collab Summit
We could have a build-up of articles related to Xen+Embedded to strengthen recent developments in Xen+Android and Xen+Automotive
We (or a AB vendor) should plan benchmarks for PVH Dom0 after the Xen 4.3 release AND publish just before or around a specific event
LF Enterprise User Summit may be perfect to push out some user stories/benchmarks targeting large enterprises
We may want to add vendor specific events: e.g. for Intel, ARM, etc.
We may want to add cloud events, distro events, etc.
We may want to add events such as HostingCon
I am taking a neutral view here: please let me know which events should be added in your view.
Best Regards