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Re: [Publicity] rump kernel and Rumprun unikernel proposed post

Ok, I finished editing. Hopefully I addressed everyone's comments, plus some minor wording fixes all around. Thanks for the comments everyone, I think the post is much better now!

Seeing that others edit the post directly, I assume I will be included in the set of people who review and approve the final. I'm not agreeing to someone else publishing an edited version in my name.
On 03/08/15 18:33, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
Only if it makes sense within the post!  Not sure it does, as there's quite a lot in 
there already.  Perhaps the best thing to do is to wait for Martin to write up his, and 
then retrospectively edit in a link to it as "further reading" in this one.  We 
do that fairly often in the MirageOS blog so that posts remain easy to follow after later 
ones have been published.
I really don't want to retroactively change the post, because it gives 
the false impression that the post is maintained also for whatever else 
might have happened since publishing.  I _tried_ to selectively write 
about technical things so that they wouldn't go out-of-date, but who 
knows.  I do hope that the "future work" bits will go out-of-date ...
I did add a link to the page where we amass various rump kernel 
publications and talks, so folks can check a single location for any new 
posts at any later date.  I think that serves the purpose without me 
having to sign up for maintenance.  (using architecture to avoid 
maintenance is one of the high themes of rump kernels ;)
  - antti

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