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Re: [Publicity] Linux.com article for review: Are Cloud Operating Systems the Next Big Thing?

Great, I had a go at the end section. Have another look.
Also not adding OSv to the list "microkernel" list though

On 29/11/2013 15:38, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
Yep, the 'unikernel' definition is just a succinct way of saying that 'this 
kernel image also includes the application functionality compiled as a 
single-address-space operating system).  HalVM and MirageOS both fit that bill, 
as does OSv (but it has significantly more C code, and hence less security than 
the other two if there's a bug in the core code).

On 29 Nov 2013, at 15:35, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you for the edits.

One question: can Haskell be compiled into a unikernel? Are there other 
languages, which I have missed that can be compiled into a unikernel?

and a note at the end about a possible addition.
I like those. Let me have a think and paraphrase these in my own words


On 29/11/2013 15:23, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
Great article Lars!  I've added some edits, answers to your questions, and a 
note at the end about a possible addition.

On 29 Nov 2013, at 15:05, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx> wrote:



Planned for next week (Tue or so) to build up for the Mirage OS release
I was thinking to republish on blog.xenproject.org towards the end of next week
Drop my a line and I will make you an editor/reviewer


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