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Re: [Publicity] [FOSDEM-Devrooms] Xen Project Virtualization Dev Room Proposal for FOSDEM 14

On 10/06/2013 03:14 PM, Lars Kurth wrote:

I will work something out with Itamar to share the load.

 > Well, we have allocated 2 days along the lines you suggested,
effectively combining the
 > Virtualisation and OpenStack proposals and rejecting PAAS.
Can you clarify whether this means that Thierry's proposal is also
included, i.e. have 3 proposals been merged? Mine, Thierry's and Itamar's?

So I guess the next step is to set up a CfP, combined description and
decide who does what. Can we have an IRC sync up next week? Also, who
will be at LinuxCon/CloudOpen EU? Maybe we can tie down all lose ends by
I'll be at the kvm/ovirt forum in the same area (iiuc, its in a nearby 
hotel). if reasonable to others, let just meet there to discuss.
Also Rudolf Streif from the Linux Foundation had a great suggestion (see
below). It is certainly true that this year virtualization is pushing
into new areas reflecting what is happening in the Linux community at
large: at least I am seeing activity in many different "embedded areas"
(automotive, network gear, mobile, fault tolerance in space
"exploration" applications, and others). I'd be happy to include this
into a CfP and track description, unless somebody objects.

Maybe we can have a low level virt day and an IAAS day? Although we can
leave the exact structure open and decide based on proposals coming in.
I think we should see what we get and then decide on the right balance.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: FWD: [FOSDEM-Devrooms] Virtualization Dev Room Proposal
Date:   Thu, 3 Oct 2013 15:32:02 -0700
From:   Rudolf Streif <rstreif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I would like to see the embedded and OpenStack communities join into a
discussion as "virtualization is not just for servers anymore." FOSDEM
could be a good place since it is for open source communities in general
and not like the typical embedded events where you would normally hardly
find any virtualization folks or the cloud events where there are hardly
any embedded engineers.

On 05/10/2013 00:11, Alasdair G Kergon wrote:
On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 10:52:31PM +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
iirc, last year the two days were split to one day virt, one day cloud -
do we think this makes sense this year as well?
I would suggest you issue a single Call for Papers, then decide on the
best time allocation once you've received the responses.

This year we are asking devrooms to use pentabarf for the talk
submissions to make the programme production easier, so we need to give
one or two of you access to that system.

Which of you should that be?

You can also have a fosdem.org mailing list for organising the devroom
if you wish.


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