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[xen-4.9-testing test] 118387: regressions - FAIL

flight 118387 xen-4.9-testing real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop        fail REGR. vs. 118167

Tests which are failing intermittently (not blocking):
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 16 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 118347 
pass in 118387
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64 17 guest-stop     fail pass in 118347
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 16 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail pass in 

Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking:
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 18 guest-start/win.repeat fail blocked in 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds 16 guest-start/debian.repeat fail in 118347 like 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop  fail in 118347 like 118222
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 16 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 118347 
like 118222
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop  fail in 118347 like 118222
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 16 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 118347 
like 118222
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop             fail like 118167
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop             fail like 118167
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop            fail like 118222
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop             fail like 118222
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop            fail like 118222
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt      13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-xsm  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm 14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl          13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl          14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm      13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm      14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm 11 migrate-support-check 
fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm 11 migrate-support-check 
fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd 12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd 17 debian-hvm-install/l1/l2  fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds     14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm      13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm      14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl          13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl          14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm 14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck 13 migrate-support-check        fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck 14 saverestore-support-check    fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 13 migrate-support-check        fail  never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 14 saverestore-support-check    fail  never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt     14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw 12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw 13 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd      12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd      13 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win10-i386 10 windows-install        fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win10-i386 10 windows-install         fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win10-i386 10 windows-install         fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win10-i386 10 windows-install        fail never pass

version targeted for testing:
 xen                  a2567d6b54b7b187ecc0165021b6dd07dafaf06a
baseline version:
 xen                  dc7d46580d9c633a59be1c3776f79c01dd0cb98b

Last test of basis   118222  2018-01-19 06:53:40 Z    9 days
Testing same since   118314  2018-01-24 21:44:17 Z    3 days    3 attempts

People who touched revisions under test:
  Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>

 build-amd64-xsm                                              pass    
 build-arm64-xsm                                              pass    
 build-armhf-xsm                                              pass    
 build-i386-xsm                                               pass    
 build-amd64-xtf                                              pass    
 build-amd64                                                  pass    
 build-arm64                                                  pass    
 build-armhf                                                  pass    
 build-i386                                                   pass    
 build-amd64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-arm64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-armhf-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-i386-libvirt                                           pass    
 build-amd64-prev                                             pass    
 build-i386-prev                                              pass    
 build-amd64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-arm64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-armhf-pvops                                            pass    
 build-i386-pvops                                             pass    
 build-amd64-rumprun                                          pass    
 build-i386-rumprun                                           pass    
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-1                                       pass    
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-2                                       pass    
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-3                                       pass    
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-4                                       pass    
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-5                                       pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl                                          pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl                                          pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl                                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm            pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-stubdom-debianhvm-amd64-xsm        pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-stubdom-debianhvm-amd64-xsm         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-xsm                                  pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-xsm                                       pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd                            fail    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                    pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                     fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                    pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64                              pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                          pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-rumprun-amd64                               pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-ws16-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-ws16-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64                          fail    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale                                  pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-i386                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-rumprun-i386                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win10-i386                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win10-i386                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win10-i386                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win10-i386                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-intel                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt                                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt                                      pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-livepatch                                   pass    
 test-amd64-i386-livepatch                                    pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-migrupgrade                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-migrupgrade                                  pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-multivcpu                                pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu                                pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pair                                        pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pair                                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair                                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-pair                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-amd64-pvgrub                                pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-i386-pvgrub                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pygrub                                      pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qcow2                                    pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-raw                                       pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-rtds                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds                                     pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd                                 pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd                                      pass    

sg-report-flight on osstest.test-lab.xenproject.org
logs: /home/logs/logs
images: /home/logs/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Explanation of these reports, and of osstest in general, is at

Test harness code can be found at

Not pushing.

commit a2567d6b54b7b187ecc0165021b6dd07dafaf06a
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jan 22 14:35:42 2018 +0000

    xen/arm: cpuerrata: Remove percpu.h include
    The include percpu.h was added by mistake in cpuerrata.h (see commit
    4c4fddc166 "xen/arm64: Add skeleton to harden the branch aliasing
    attacks"). So remove it.
    Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit a5e7ce9560b408dbdc2f7fb8a58f6209601cc054)

commit 9f79e8d846e8413c828f5fc7cc6ac733728dff00
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 14:23:37 2018 +0000

    xen/arm64: Implement branch predictor hardening for affected Cortex-A CPUs
    Cortex-A57, A72, A73 and A75 are susceptible to branch predictor
    aliasing and can theoritically be attacked by malicious code.
    This patch implements a PSCI-based mitigation for these CPUs when
    available. The call into firmware will invalidate the branch predictor
    state, preventing any malicious entries from affection other victim
    Ported from Linux 
    branch kpti.
     Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@xxxxxxx>
     Signed-off-by: Will Deacon <will.deacon@xxxxxxx>
    This is part of XSA-254.
    Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit e730f8e41e8537f1db9770b9464f9523c28857b9)

commit fba48eff18c02d716c95b92df804a755620be82e
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 14:23:36 2018 +0000

    xen/arm64: Add skeleton to harden the branch predictor aliasing attacks
    Aliasing attacked against CPU branch predictors can allow an attacker to
    redirect speculative control flow on some CPUs and potentially divulge
    information from one context to another.
    This patch adds initial skeleton code behind a new Kconfig option to
    enable implementation-specific mitigations against these attacks for
    CPUs that are affected.
    Most of the mitigations will have to be applied when entering to the
    hypervisor from the guest context. For safety, it is applied at every
    exception entry. So there are potential for optimizing when receiving
    an exception at the same level.
    Because the attack is against branch predictor, it is not possible to
    safely use branch instruction before the mitigation is applied.
    Therefore, this has to be done in the vector entry before jump to the
    helper handling a given exception.
    On Arm64, each vector can hold 32 instructions. This leave us 31
    instructions for the mitigation. The last one is the branch instruction
    to the helper.
    Because a platform may have CPUs with different micro-architectures,
    per-CPU vector table needs to be provided. Realistically, only a few
    different mitigations will be necessary. So provide a small set of
    vector tables. They will be re-used and patch with the mitigations
    This is based on the work done in Linux (see [1]).
    This is part of XSA-254.
    [1] git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/arm64/linux.git
    branch ktpi
    Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit 4c4fddc166cf528aca49540bcc9ee4f196b01dac)

commit 3790833ef16b95653424ec9b145e460ec1a56d16
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 14:23:35 2018 +0000

    xen/arm: cpuerrata: Add MIDR_ALL_VERSIONS
    Introduce a new macro MIDR_ALL_VERSIONS to match all variant/revision of a
    given CPU model.
    This is part of XSA-254.
    Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit ba73070af43a38d200413f446d6a718e108867b6)

commit 50450c1f33dc72f2138a671d738934f796be3318
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 14:23:34 2018 +0000

    xen/arm64: Add missing MIDR values for Cortex-A72, A73 and A75
    Cortex-A72, A73 and A75 MIDR will be used to a follow-up for hardening
    the branch predictor.
    This is part of XSA-254.
    Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit 7975bff524c4e2c30efbf144de753f151d974e53)

commit 2ec7ccbffc6b788f65e55498e4347c1ee3a44b01
Author: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 14:23:33 2018 +0000

    xen/arm: Introduce enable callback to enable a capabilities on each online 
    Once Xen knows what features/workarounds present on the platform, it
    might be necessary to configure each online CPU.
    Introduce a new callback "enable" that will be called on each online CPU to
    configure the "capability".
    The code is based on Linux v4.14 (where cpufeature.c comes from), the
    explanation of why using stop_machine_run is kept as we have similar
    problem in the future.
    Lastly introduce enable_errata_workaround that will be called once CPUs
    have booted and before the hardware domain is created.
    This is part of XSA-254.
    Signed-of-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
    (cherry picked from commit 7500495155aacce437878cb576f45224ae984f40)
(qemu changes not included)

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