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Hello,our next meeting is on April 29th 09:00 CEST (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MirageOS+call&iso=20240429T09&ah=1) on https://meet.jit.si/mirageos-call Agenda is tracked on https://pad.data.coop/wGS4r8RyTKqQ73mcw7FrwA?both# The meetings notes from today:Participants: Magnus, Pierre, Kaushik, Vincent, Shakthi, Reynir, Hannes, Thomas, Samuel - Why are you here?- Kaushik: 2nd meeting, want to understand what he didn't know that he didn't know; use MirageOS in real-world problem solving - Vincent: working at Tarides on SpaceOS, still learning MirageOS, learn and understand what is going on; prepare the Marrakech retreat - Pierre: associate professor in network security, know and understand what people are working on in the MirageOS ecosystem, uses QubesOS (and the mirage-qubes-firewall) and MirageOS, is motivated to get rid of cstruct (based on bigarrays, there are issues (with q-m-f & bigarray due to malloc)), interested in the OCaml 5 release of MirageOS for better performance - Magnus: working on MirageOS since ~10 years, interested in the technology, worked on MirageOS in Docker, Tarides, now back to research -- working e.g. on IncludeOS/MirageOS performance with Alfred - Shakthi: works at Tarides on the ocaml.org team, fixing CI issues, looking at good first issues for newcomers - Samuel: engineer at Tarides, worked in the last months on OCaml 5 support for MirageOS (now solo5 works on OCaml 5.2 beta), works on Unikraft support for MirageOS, has interest in low-level stuff - Reynir: work in robur.coop with hannes and dinosaure, we develop MirageOS applications and maintain quite some libraries, interest to develop and deploy applications - Thomas: working on MirageOS for a while, happy to see the call starting again, still there are several parties interested in MirageOS, nice area of system research, interest: how to apply that to deployment - how to improve the IT landscape, MirageOS brings something new to IT (type-safe, memory-safe, formal verification): low-level systems with high-level languages, short term interest: CLI tool is more usable / friendly -- the OCaml ecosystem has evolved a lot since MirageOS started -- take ideas from MirageOS and upstream them to OCaml - Hannes: Interest in getting MirageOS used & deployed -- has had this goal for roughly a decade since he started on Mirage. Have done a PhD about formal verification of java programs. Would like to have more formally verified systems, so joined Mirage OS project where there is less mutable state. Worked on network protocols. Recent months worked on performance as we should have good performance when we run without kernel & user space. Not afraid of big API changes - they are a challenge. Big performance bottleneck is bigarray allocations, so recent PRs have been about replacing cstruct with string or bytes with promising benchmark results. How do we safely and pragmatically remove bounds checks? Worked on dependently typed systems such as Coq (now Rocq) and Idris where this is somewhat easier to express safely. Wants people to run their own services instead of using Google etc. Interested in getting reproducible builds for deployment reasons. Also interested in binary sizes. Getting more deployments requires getting more people involved => organizing retreats and hanging out on the weekly call to get more people interested/involved (since it is not feasible to do it alone). - Proposal for next MirageOS release 4.5.0 (Thomas) - Contents: what we have now in `main` (main update: runtime arguments) - When: before or after the retreat?- Proposal: Dune UX not quite ready for 5.0, better to release current version. Would be nice to release this before the retreat, so people there have an opportunity to test. So suggest tagging the release now and updating the documentation. Then continue discussion about other features. - Will make release before the retreat - Next: better Dune integration with Mirage- Design doc: https://gist.github.com/samoht/98127448fcf6a2483fa36099649fba5a -- feedback welcome! - PR: https://github.com/mirage/mirage/pull/1495 - Blockers: bugs in Dune - need experiments with the UX/UI (promotion?) - Next: OCaml5 + Mirage- PR almost ready: https://github.com/shym/ocaml-solo5/tree/ocaml-5.2 with its [Description](https://paste.sr.ht/~rustyne/0f76561709ca6c28852fae312e835e1059918f6e). - Hannes: this is very exciting. Just to be clear, the new ocaml-solo5 will only support OCaml 5.2, if we need releases for 4.x compatibility, we'll just branch off the latest release and put in changes - Thomas: it would also be nice if cross-compilation worked again on MacOS, can test - Next: `dune pkg` + Miragemail-betreuung bis nächsten montag übernehmen - The performance perspective: "no-cstruct" and bounds checking (Hannes) - opam overlay https://github.com/robur-coop/no-cstruct- Hannes: would be nice to have a mirage release that would support this as it needs changes to the mirage tool - Started thread to discuss using type system for bounds checking, but looks like this would require ppx right now, which I'd like to avoid: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/bounds-checks-for-string-and-bytes-when-retrieving-or-setting-subparts-thereof/14422/6 - Interested in testing whether programs runs faster if bounds checks are removed from the compiler, how much faster is it? - `-unsafe` doesn't remove bounds checks from `String.get_*`- but a modified Stdlib (or compiler) emitting no bounds checks could do the trick - then measure on some real applications and take a look at the difference - Random/Clock/Time functors (Hannes) https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/1513 - As Hannes understands, a functor is useful if we use a single implementation multiple times (e.g. Set/Map -- a set of string, a set of int) - All Mirage unikernels are functorised over these. Have not seen different implementations of these, could we simplify the unikernels to not use functors for these? - we could replace that by the "linking trick" (dune variants)- testing sometimes (such as mirage-tcpip) uses a clock that runs faster than - would be great to cope with that - Next meeting in three weeks (Apr 29th 09:00 CEST), skip one week due to retreat -- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MirageOS+call&iso=20240429T09&ah=1 On 05/04/2024 17:59, Magnus Skjegstad wrote: Hi everyone, The next MirageOS community call will be Monday April 8th at 9:00-10:00 CEST. As usual everyone is welcome to attend this bi-weekly meeting. The current agenda is here: https://pad.data.coop/wGS4r8RyTKqQ73mcw7FrwA Feel free to add any additional items you'd like to discuss. The Jitsi link for the meeting is https://meet.jit.si/mirageos-call See you there, Magnus
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