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Hi all,you probably have all heard by now that the Xen Project Advisory Board (a group of vendors who provide funds to the Xen Project that are intended to be used for the good of the community) recently created the Test Framework Working Group.http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/AB_WG/Test_Frameworkcontains more information about the group. The working group had its first meeting a few weeks ago and one of the actions I had was to kick off a thread on development lists to figure out what would help the developer community. I was planning to kick off this thread with some questions and options, which reflect some discussions I had with individuals in the community, various meetings (WG and AB meetings), etc. which I condensed into a picture. This reflects my personal opinion (not a Citrix opinion) and is merely intended to get a discussion going. Feel free to pick it apart: I won’t be upset. First, I wanted to clear up a few misconceptions that I have heard from a few people: * The Advisory Board has funds that can be used to create an independently hosted test infrastructure to help the developer community. However, funds are limited. Thus, it is important that we do what is right for the Xen community in the short term and the longer term. Otherwise, we will burn funds that could be used to help the Xen community in other ways. * The Test Framework Working Group is made up of people employed by vendors who have some experience in testing. * There is no intention to prescribe a test environment that you then have to use. Advisory Board members made clear to me that they want to make sure that what we end up with a solution that works for you. * At the Xen Developer Summit two different solutions for system testing were presented. The intention was to explain what is there and what we can use going forward. A presentation on OSSTest which runs regularly today was given. And one for XenRT, for which there is a plan to get a small 3 box system up and running that can be used for you to look at. Citrix volunteered to set this up at its own cost. * Just to be clear: what works for you may be one of these, none of these, both of them, … * There may also be different answers in the short and the long run.* At the end of the day, different community members will have different views. Also the Advisory Board members who provide the funds, will also have specific interests that they will push for. Thus, in all likelihood, we will have to find a good enough compromise. * The vast majority of Advisory Board members care about the Hypervisor (and not so much about XAPI and Mirage OS). Thus, it is likely that the focus of the test system would be the Hypervisor. So let me try and condense some of the arguments and opinions I heard and information that is around. This list may be incomplete. == Work Flow ==I added this section, because some members of the community and the working group had prior experience with attempts to introduce a test infrastructure for an open source community in the past, and these may not have worked as well as hoped. I made up some of the terminology. *Local testing*: the basic idea here is for a developer to write their code and be able to run some tests on their machine locally as part of their development workflow. We do have same capability to do this with OSSTest (seehttp://blog.xen.org/index.php/2013/09/30/osstest-standalone-mode-step-by-step/), but the drawback is that this only works on the developers machine. This may be good enough. We could “emulate” different environments using QEMU, but that is likely to be slow. *System testing*: both OSSTest and XenRT are essentially system test environments, which would be run on code that is already in the Xen mainline (or a staging branch). This is really great for regression testing on different hardware platforms, but does not match the typical workflow in the community: a) code developed locally b) code submitted to list for reviewc) code reviewed and then submitted by the committer to the staging branch/mainline d) only then tests are run e) if tests fail, the whole process starts againOne of the issues here is that the elapsed time between development and the tests being run. Another issue we have with the current set-up is that OSSTest is currently hosted at Citrix, which makes difficult for community members to log into a machine and investigate issues. Admittedly this can fixed by having the system test hosted somewhere neutral (some sort of access control would still remain). *Test on demand:* this would be a mixture between local testing and system testing. It can probably be implemented in both OSSTest and XenRT, although I believe XenRT is a closer to this model already. The workflow would look like this: a) code developed locallyb) developer checks working prototype into their personal git branch (which would need to be accessible from the web) c) developer submits a job to the test farm which checks out and builds code and runs a set of interesting (or new) tests on some machines of different architectures. New tests would probably need to be on the git branch d) if the test fail, the cycle starts againd) if all works well, code is submitted for review as normal (and test results could be attached) This would only really work, if the interface into the system is easy to use and tests are run fast enough. Access control, etc. would be similar to system test. IMHO, this would be a nice mid to long-term goal, assuming it could be made to work with the funds we have. == OSSTest == What runs now and thus easiest to get started on More Info *http://blog.xen.org/index.php/2013/02/02/xen-automatic-test-system-osstest/ *http://blog.xen.org/index.php/2013/09/30/osstest-standalone-mode-step-by-step/ *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxTFZIwZzJ8 Problems: * Runs on Citrix premises (thus general access is an issue)* Ian Jackson is acting as sys-admin in his spare time. But, the Advisory Board could provide resource to fix this * Basic test coverage* Not a lot of documentation right now (which is a bit of a barrier to adoption) Risks * Not well understood (maybe you guys can fill the gaps) == XenRT ==Used by Citrix for XenServer testing. Tarballs have been made available by Citrix under a BSD license. But the code has not been put into live repos: my understanding is that Citrix would do this, if the Xen community believes this is valuable. More Info *http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Getting_Started_with_XenRT *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s11_Iw7AI_U Problems:* No publicly accessible demo instance (this is being worked on – to be hosted on a small test bed at http://osuosl.org/ – work sponsored by Citrix) * Currently does not yet support “xl” (a “xl” connector is being worked on – sponsored by Citrix) * Code not in yet public repo Potentially Interesting Properties:* Very large test coverage (including performance, security and other tests). Most of them should work once an “xl” connector is in place * Been in production at scale for a long time: thus well understood* XenRT has a lot of provisioning functionality and supports a distributed architecture: aka the ability to manage machines in different locations (data centres). The detail is abstracted away from users. This creates some interesting possibilities. For example: ** Hardware Vendors on the Advisory Board could provide hardware to the community on their site (assuming that these can be hosted outside a firewall). Some HW vendors on the AB indicated that this would indeed be doable. ** This would open up the opportunity to make available cutting edge or “unusual” HW for testing to the community. ** It would also mean that machines that would be expensive to ship and host by the project, could be hosted on premise by AB vendors * XenRT has the capability to “inject” some test code on the fly (i.e. the test code is attached to a job that is submitted). * I checked this with the XenRT devs and the *Test on demand* approach should be relatively easy to implement, but does not exist. I do not know what of the above would apply to OSSTest. Risks * Complexity * The cost of supporting such a system may be too high * Not in use by the community today * Not clear whether a *local test* version of XenRT is feasible == Support and Ownership ==Whatever solution we go for, needs to be properly funded and looked after. This is understood and the intention would be for the Xen Project (aka Advisory Board) to fund a Linux Foundation employee to do this on behalf of the Xen Project: this is a bit like Greg KH and others being LF employees working on the kernel. Some vendors on the Advisory Board indicated that providing Colo/hosting space and HW would be possible in principle, which could help keeping the cost manageable. == Access ==Any central system, has of course the issue of access control and managing users. This is obviously a barrier to entry (if we do not have also a local test mechanism). Am wondering how other FOSS communities handle this. This should certainly be the job of the Test Framework owner (see above). Best Regards Lars
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