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Re: [Minios-devel] [UNIKRAFT PATCH v3 10/23] build: Import the kconfig host rules from Linux

Hi Sharan,

This patch looks ok.

-- Felipe

Reviewed-by: Felipe Huici <felipe.huici@xxxxxxxxx>

On 19.09.19, 11:17, "Minios-devel on behalf of Sharan Santhanam" 
<minios-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of 
Sharan.Santhanam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Add rules build the config tool. These rule are imported from the linux
    File: scripts/Makefile.host
    Tag: v5.2
    Signed-off-by: Sharan Santhanam <sharan.santhanam@xxxxxxxxx>
     support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br                    | 116 ++++++++++++++---
     .../kconfig.new/patches/07-import-host-tools-rules | 142 
     2 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 support/kconfig.new/patches/07-import-host-tools-rules
    diff --git a/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br 
    index afe94ee..8e64a9b 100644
    --- a/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br
    +++ b/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br
    @@ -10,29 +10,41 @@ include Makefile.rules
     include Makefile
     #HOSTCFLAGS+=-Dinline="" -include foo.h
     -include $(obj)/.depend
    -$(obj)/.depend: $(wildcard *.h *.c)
    -   $(HOSTCC) $(HOST_EXTRACFLAGS) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -MM *.c > $@ 2>/dev/null || 
     __hostprogs := $(sort $(hostprogs-y) $(hostprogs-m))
    -host-csingle := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-objs),,$(m)))
    +host-cshlib := $(sort $(hostlibs-y) $(hostlibs-m))
    +host-cxxshlib := $(sort $(hostcxxlibs-y) $(hostcxxlibs-m))
    +# C code
    +# Executables compiled from a single .c file
    +host-csingle:= $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs), \
    +             $(if $($(m)-objs)$($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(m)))
     host-cmulti := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
    -           $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
    -host-cxxmulti := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
    -           $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m),$(if $($(m)-objs),)))
    -host-cobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(sort $(foreach 
    -host-cxxobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(sort $(foreach 
    +                       $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
    +# Object (.o) files compiled from .c files
    +host-cobjs  := $(sort $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$($(m)-objs)))
    +# C++ code
    +# C++ executables compiled from at least one .cc file
    +# and zero or more .c files
    + host-cxxmulti   := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m)))
    +# C++ Object (.o) files compiled from .cc files
    +host-cxxobjs    := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxmulti),$($(m)-cxxobjs)))
    +#Object (.o) files used by the shared libaries
    +host-cshobjs    := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cshlib),$($(m:.so=-objs))))
    +host-cxxshobjs  := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxshlib),$($(m:.so=-objs))))
    +host-csingle := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-csingle))
    +host-cmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cmulti))
    +host-cxxmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxmulti))
    +host-cobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cobjs))
    +host-cxxobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxobjs))
     fixdep-objs := $(obj)/fixdep.o
     HOST_EXTRACFLAGS += -I$(obj) -DCONFIG_=\"\"
    -$(host-csingle): %: %.c
    -$(host-cmulti): %: $(host-cobjs) $(host-cshlib)
$(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) $(HOSTLOADLIBES_$(@F)) -o $(obj)/$@
    -$(host-cxxmulti): %: $(host-cxxobjs) $(host-cobjs) $(host-cshlib)
$(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs) $($(@F)-cxxobjs)) $(HOSTLOADLIBES_$(@F)) -o 
     $(obj)/fixdep: $(fixdep-objs)
    @@ -40,6 +52,80 @@ $(obj)/fixdep: $(fixdep-objs)
     $(fixdep-objs): $(src)/fixdep.c
-o $@
    +# Compile programs on the host
    +# Create executable from a single .c file
    +# host-csingle -> Executable
    +quiet_cmd_host-csingle     = HOSTCC  $@
    +      cmd_host-csingle     = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ 
$< \
    +           $(HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    +$(host-csingle): $(obj)/%: $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-csingle)
    +# Link an executable based on list of .o files, all plain c
    +# host-cmulti -> executable
    +quiet_cmd_host-cmulti      = HOSTLD  $@
    +      cmd_host-cmulti      = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -o $@ \
    +                     $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) \
    +                     $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    +$(host-cmulti): $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed,host-cmulti)
    +$(call multi_depend,$(host-cmulti), , -objs)
    +# Create .o file from a single .c file
    +# host-cobjs -> .o
    +quiet_cmd_host-cobjs       = HOSTCC  $@
    +      cmd_host-cobjs       = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(HOSTCFLAGS_$(@F))\
    +                     -c -o $@ $<
    +$(filter-out %.tab.o, $(filter-out %.lex.o,$(host-cobjs))): $(obj)/%.o:\
    +           $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    +$(filter %.lex.o,$(host-cobjs)): $(obj)/%.lex.o:  $(obj)/%.lex.c 
$(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    +$(filter %.tab.o,$(host-cobjs)): $(obj)/%.tab.o:  $(obj)/%.tab.c 
$(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    +# Link an executable based on list of .o files, a mixture of .c and .cc
    +# host-cxxmulti -> executable
    +quiet_cmd_host-cxxmulti    = HOSTLD  $@
    +      cmd_host-cxxmulti    = $(HOSTCXX) $(HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@\
    +                     $(foreach o,objs cxxobjs,\
    +                     $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-$(o)))) \
    +                     $(HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    +$(host-cxxmulti): FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed,host-cxxmulti)
    +$(call multi_depend,$(host-cxxmulti), , -objs -cxxobjs)
    +# Create .o file from a single .cc (C++) file
    +quiet_cmd_host-cxxobjs     = HOSTCXX $@
    +      cmd_host-cxxobjs     = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) 
    +                     -c -o $@ $<
    +$(host-cxxobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.cc FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxobjs)
    +# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
    +# host-cshobjs -> .o
    +quiet_cmd_host-cshobjs     = HOSTCC  -fPIC $@
    +      cmd_host-cshobjs     = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
    +$(host-cshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cshobjs)
    +# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
    +# Note that plugin capable gcc versions can be either C or C++ based
    +# therefore plugin source files have to be compilable in both C and C++ 
    +# This is why a C++ compiler is invoked on a .c file.
    +# host-cxxshobjs -> .o
    +quiet_cmd_host-cxxshobjs   = HOSTCXX -fPIC $@
    +      cmd_host-cxxshobjs   = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
    +$(host-cxxshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    +   @echo test--$@
    +   $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxshobjs)
        $(Q)rm -f $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(clean-files))
     distclean: clean
    diff --git a/support/kconfig.new/patches/07-import-host-tools-rules 
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..d24dc97
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/support/kconfig.new/patches/07-import-host-tools-rules
    @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
    +diff --git a/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br 
    +index afe94ee..8e64a9b 100644
    +--- a/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br
    ++++ b/support/kconfig.new/Makefile.br
    +@@ -10,29 +10,41 @@ include Makefile.rules
    + include Makefile
    + #HOSTCFLAGS+=-Dinline="" -include foo.h
    + -include $(obj)/.depend
    +-$(obj)/.depend: $(wildcard *.h *.c)
    +-  $(HOSTCC) $(HOST_EXTRACFLAGS) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -MM *.c > $@ 2>/dev/null || 
    + __hostprogs := $(sort $(hostprogs-y) $(hostprogs-m))
    +-host-csingle := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-objs),,$(m)))
    ++host-cshlib := $(sort $(hostlibs-y) $(hostlibs-m))
    ++host-cxxshlib := $(sort $(hostcxxlibs-y) $(hostcxxlibs-m))
    ++# C code
    ++# Executables compiled from a single .c file
    ++host-csingle:= $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs), \
    ++             $(if $($(m)-objs)$($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(m)))
    + host-cmulti := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
    +-           $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
    +-host-cxxmulti := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
    +-           $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m),$(if $($(m)-objs),)))
    +-host-cobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(sort $(foreach 
    +-host-cxxobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(sort $(foreach 
    ++                      $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
    ++# Object (.o) files compiled from .c files
    ++host-cobjs  := $(sort $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$($(m)-objs)))
    ++# C++ code
    ++# C++ executables compiled from at least one .cc file
    ++# and zero or more .c files
    ++ host-cxxmulti   := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m)))
    ++# C++ Object (.o) files compiled from .cc files
    ++host-cxxobjs    := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxmulti),$($(m)-cxxobjs)))
    ++#Object (.o) files used by the shared libaries
    ++host-cshobjs    := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cshlib),$($(m:.so=-objs))))
    ++host-cxxshobjs  := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxshlib),$($(m:.so=-objs))))
    ++host-csingle := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-csingle))
    ++host-cmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cmulti))
    ++host-cxxmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxmulti))
    ++host-cobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cobjs))
    ++host-cxxobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxobjs))
    + fixdep-objs := $(obj)/fixdep.o
    + HOST_EXTRACFLAGS += -I$(obj) -DCONFIG_=\"\"
    +-$(host-csingle): %: %.c
    +-$(host-cmulti): %: $(host-cobjs) $(host-cshlib)
$(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) $(HOSTLOADLIBES_$(@F)) -o $(obj)/$@
    +-$(host-cxxmulti): %: $(host-cxxobjs) $(host-cobjs) $(host-cshlib)
$(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs) $($(@F)-cxxobjs)) $(HOSTLOADLIBES_$(@F)) -o 
    + $(obj)/fixdep: $(fixdep-objs)
    +@@ -40,6 +52,80 @@ $(obj)/fixdep: $(fixdep-objs)
    + $(fixdep-objs): $(src)/fixdep.c
-o $@
    ++# Compile programs on the host
    ++# Create executable from a single .c file
    ++# host-csingle -> Executable
    ++quiet_cmd_host-csingle    = HOSTCC  $@
    ++      cmd_host-csingle    = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ 
$< \
    ++          $(HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    ++$(host-csingle): $(obj)/%: $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-csingle)
    ++# Link an executable based on list of .o files, all plain c
    ++# host-cmulti -> executable
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cmulti     = HOSTLD  $@
    ++      cmd_host-cmulti     = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -o $@ \
    ++                    $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) \
    ++                    $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    ++$(host-cmulti): $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed,host-cmulti)
    ++$(call multi_depend,$(host-cmulti), , -objs)
    ++# Create .o file from a single .c file
    ++# host-cobjs -> .o
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cobjs      = HOSTCC  $@
    ++      cmd_host-cobjs      = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(HOSTCFLAGS_$(@F))\
    ++                    -c -o $@ $<
    ++$(filter-out %.tab.o, $(filter-out %.lex.o,$(host-cobjs))): $(obj)/%.o:\
    ++          $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    ++$(filter %.lex.o,$(host-cobjs)): $(obj)/%.lex.o:  $(obj)/%.lex.c 
$(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    ++$(filter %.tab.o,$(host-cobjs)): $(obj)/%.tab.o:  $(obj)/%.tab.c 
$(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
    ++# Link an executable based on list of .o files, a mixture of .c and .cc
    ++# host-cxxmulti -> executable
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cxxmulti   = HOSTLD  $@
    ++      cmd_host-cxxmulti   = $(HOSTCXX) $(HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@\
    ++                    $(foreach o,objs cxxobjs,\
    ++                    $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-$(o)))) \
    ++                    $(HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
    ++$(host-cxxmulti): FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed,host-cxxmulti)
    ++$(call multi_depend,$(host-cxxmulti), , -objs -cxxobjs)
    ++# Create .o file from a single .cc (C++) file
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cxxobjs    = HOSTCXX $@
    ++      cmd_host-cxxobjs    = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) 
    ++                    -c -o $@ $<
    ++$(host-cxxobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.cc FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxobjs)
    ++# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
    ++# host-cshobjs -> .o
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cshobjs    = HOSTCC  -fPIC $@
    ++      cmd_host-cshobjs    = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
    ++$(host-cshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cshobjs)
    ++# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
    ++# Note that plugin capable gcc versions can be either C or C++ based
    ++# therefore plugin source files have to be compilable in both C and C++ 
    ++# This is why a C++ compiler is invoked on a .c file.
    ++# host-cxxshobjs -> .o
    ++quiet_cmd_host-cxxshobjs  = HOSTCXX -fPIC $@
    ++      cmd_host-cxxshobjs  = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
    ++$(host-cxxshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c $(obj)/fixdep FORCE
    ++  @echo test--$@
    ++  $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxshobjs)
    + clean:
    +   $(Q)rm -f $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(clean-files))
    + distclean: clean
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