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Re: [Minios-devel] [UNIKRAFT PATCHv5 03/46] build: Add a makefile function to print error when GCC is too old

Reviewed-by: Simon Kuenzer <simon.kuenzer@xxxxxxxxx>

On 10.08.2018 09:07, Wei Chen wrote:
From: Wei Chen <Wei.Chen@xxxxxxx>

Some GCC flags, like processor flags have minimum GCC version
requirement. Add this makefile function to stop build and print
an error message to notify user that their GCC is too old.

Signed-off-by: Wei Chen <Wei.Chen@xxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Simon Kuenzer <simon.kuenzer@xxxxxxxxx>
  support/build/Makefile.rules | 7 +++++++
  1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/support/build/Makefile.rules b/support/build/Makefile.rules
index 6e71c5e..84c33ec 100644
--- a/support/build/Makefile.rules
+++ b/support/build/Makefile.rules
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ define gcc_version_ge =
  $(shell if [ $(CC_VER_MAJOR) -gt $(1) ] || ([ $(CC_VER_MAJOR) -eq $(1) ] && [ 
$(CC_VER_MINOR) -ge $(2) ]) ; then echo y ; fi)
+# print error and stop build when GCC version doesn't meet the minimum requirement
+# error_if_gcc_version_lt $gcc_major,$gcc_minor.
+define error_if_gcc_version_lt =
+$(if $(call gcc_version_ge,$(1),$(2)),,\
+     $(error Require GCC version >= $(1).$(2) found 
  # Paths and Filenames

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