Hi all,
The notes are posted in Cryptpad.fr at CryptDrive > Documents > FuSa SIG (shared folder) > 2020 Minutes > FuSa SIG July 28, 2020.
The link to the recording and the password are in the notes.
Reminder: We’ll keep the last 2 recordings, so if you missed the call & want to watch it later, please download a copy for yourself soon.
Action items from this week’s call:
Stefano will ask if the community are OK to add kernel-docs to xen.git
Bertrand: If community OK, experiment with kernel-doc in FuSa git
Outstanding action items from prior calls/emails. Please let me know if you have updates in the status/completion of them:
- ISO 26262
- Artem: Will reach out to David
- Artem: Submit sessions on code/issue/feature archaeology & bug tracker for Xen Summit
- Tracking patch series
- Stefano S: I can ask George about his take. Maybe can schedule a special Community call before April to discuss issue & patch tracking b/c may take a whole hour.
- Artem: If not having an earlier Community call, start discussion about issue & patch tracking on xen-devel
- Doorstop
- Stefano S: I can try to link w/ Doorstop
- Fusa doc repository
- Stefano S: Add links to documentation on how to use git in the readme
- Kate: Check if Anas could join one of the Xen calls to talk about linking of docs to relevant code for Zephyr project
- Requirements docs:
- Bertrand: Let's make sure we have the right user doc info for runstate & get things correct w/ Antonio. Once we are confident with this one, we try to see how it can be merged. Re-visit
the topic during July 28th call.
- In the mean time, Stefano S will try to write more docs, without the tags, assuming they will need to be changed.
- Others are encouraged to try for a hypercall or external interface & send a pull request.
Thanks & regards,