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[Xen-ia64-devel] Re: Open GFW clarification

On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 02:00:10PM -0800, Yang, Fred wrote:
> Tristan,
> Can you clarify where did you get the base code for
> http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/efi-vfirmware.hg?   Also for the new
> added code.

The base code comes from www.tianocore.org (BSD-like license).
Most of the added code comes from edk project from tianocore.org add I have
ported it to match the edk-2 infrastructure.
BochsPciScan comes from xen ia32 bios and is GPL.
VgaInit comes from milo, Copyright DEC and can be freely distributed (BSD-like)
The ACPI tables comes from the Xen Bios and is GPL.
The parts I wrote (SecMain, SAL) were written from scratch and is GPL.
All non-trivial contributions have a sign-off.

> To ship this Open Guest Firmware as product, we need to sort out the
> detail licenses issue!
Sure.  I think the list is exhaustive and I don't think there is any issue.


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