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[Xen-ia64-devel] [patch 00/16] Kexec v20080206 - xen


I am happy to announce yet another release of my patches to
make kexec and kdump work on ia64 xen.


This is just a minor increment on the v20080125 release that
I made a few weeks ago:

* Rebase to ext/ia64/xen-unstable.hg revision 16982:e83d2b840e88,
  which was the latest when I did an hg pull a little earlier today.
  - This was actually quite trivial, requring only one minor rediff.
    I'm hoping this indicates a low chance of regressions.

* Move the TLB unpining logic from dom0 into the hypervisor.
  For more details see the description in the
  minimal-relocate_kernel-for-xen-priv.patch patches,
  there is a xen portion and a linux-xen portion which
  I will post separately.

Other patches:

There are two xen-linux patches that comprise this release,
I will post them separately.


Things seem fairly healthy on my HP RX2620 and Tiger 4.
Testing on other platforms would be much appreciated.


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