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RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH][SVM] HVM fix for SWINT event injection

  • To: "Keir Fraser" <keir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: "Woller, Thomas" <thomas.woller@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 14:06:24 -0500
  • Delivery-date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:04:14 -0700
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcfQYzPKvOx6lNgtT0G0uq8JV8aZRwAA5lXuAJrKr0A=
  • Thread-topic: [Xen-devel] [PATCH][SVM] HVM fix for SWINT event injection

> The right thing to do here is copy the exitintinfo->eventinj 
> only if eventinj.fields.v==0. And to add a comment that in 
> future the two events should be 'merged' in the 
> architecturally correct manner (e.g., turned into #DF in some cases).
I agree with both in principle.

Overall, if the eventinj field is filled when calling into
svm_intr_assist() then this event/exception should most likely take
precedence over exitintinfo.  I did some profiling on some HVM guests
(not all), but in normal conditions.  During these tests I only saw both
fields filled, *when* SWINT is in the exitintinfo field, and with a #PF
in the eventinj field. Not very elaborate testing though, just booting
HVM guests and running some rudimentary tests.

What I did see though was that sometimes condition that 
1) exitintinfo field had SWINT information, and
2) the eventinj.fields.v was not true (i.e. paging_fault() handled the
And in this case, I discovered that we still do not want to move the
SWINT exitintinfo over to eventinj - just let the instruction start

> At least I *think* this is the right thing to do -- but now I 
> think about it, is it actually ever okay to copy a SWINT from 
> exitintinfo into eventinj?
I believe the answer to this is no.

> At the time the #PF vmexit happens, will EIP have been 
> incremented across the SWINT instruction? 
No, FAI can find out, but I was wondering this myself for all cases.  I
did not observe any cases with SWINT in exitintinfo, and the EIP *past*
the "int NN"/SWINT instruction.  So, just re-executing the SWINT
instruction seems to be acceptable here.

> If not, does 
> eventinj of a SWINT correctly cause EIP to be incremented?
Reinjecting the SWINT found in exitintinfo seems to cause the SWINT to
be executed twice (not good).  So, just never injecting SWINT at this
time seems to be the best approach.  

Now, then, looking at the guest instruction in this case, might be
useful - and if the eip is not pointing to the "int nn" instruction in
question, then perhaps injecting the SWINT?  I have not seen this case
in practice though.. If exitintinfo has SWINT, then the next instruction
is the unexecuted "int nn" instruction.  but if there is a series of
SWINT instructions (can this happen?):
Int 10
Int 10
Int 10
Then, no telling how to tell if the instruction was executed or that the
next instruction is same as previous.
So, I don't think that looking at the next guest instruction is worth
any effort at this time.

So, bottom line is that the code most likely needs:
1) if eventinj is filled, then do not move over info from exitintinfo
2) never inject SWINT from exitintinfo (allow instruction to start up
execution again)

I will test more HVM guests with the instrumented the code to determine
if there is an occurances with both exitintinfo AND eventinj filled out.
I don't believe that we'll see any in usual testing, but do need to
handle "merging" at some point in the future.

> > Note that HVM guests will not boot on AMD-V with xen-staging.hg c/s 
> > 15652.
> > Keir, do you want me to take a look at staging c/s 15652 on AMD-V w/
> Yes please!
I'll take a look at it at the guests that don't boot and see what's up.


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