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[XenARM] [Xen-arm] How to apply u-boot and xen-arm to tegra2-harmony board.

Hello everyone. 

I'm working on tegra2-harmony development kit board and try to port u-boot, xen-arm to it.

But i'm stuck to port xen-arm binary file because the ethernet port is not working when I port the u-boot to the target board.

1. I'm using this u-boot code
(git clone http://git.chromium.org/chromiumos/third_party/u-boot.git) 

2. And modify the address at ~/u-boot/board/tegra2/harmony/config.mk file
(0x00e08000 --> 0x00108000)
( I refer to this link : http://developer.nvidia.com/archived-tegra-forums/forum/uboot-tegra-250)

3. And flash the u-boot.bin file to target board using nvflash
(sudo ./nvflash --bl u-boot.bin --go)

4. So it applies but I cannot go forward because the ethernet driver is not found.

Does anybody have any idea about this, please help. 
Thanks in advance!

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